Theme Licenses | Almond Themes
All themes now fully compatible with moodle 3.11, 4.x

Licenses Information

Single Application License:

A single application license permits you to use the product on a single domain (sub-domains count as separate domains which require separate licenses) and a development or staging site. You must not incorporate the item in a work that is created for redistribution or resale by you or your client. The item may not be redistributed or resold. If the item contains licensed components, those components must only be used within the item and you must not extract and use them on a stand-alone basis. If the item was created using materials that are the subject of a GNU General Public License (GPL), your use of the item is subject to the terms of the GPL in place of the foregoing conditions (to the extent the GPL applies). Without prior agreement, the price of the product does not include additional support or consultancy.

Multiple Applications License:

A Multiple Applications license permits you to use the product on multiple domains/sub-domains. You must not incorporate the item in a work that is created for redistribution or resale by you or your client. The item may not be redistributed or resold. If the item contains licensed components, those components must only be used within the item and you must not extract and use them on a stand-alone basis. If the item was created using materials that are the subject of a GNU General Public License (GPL), your use of the item is subject to the terms of the GPL in place of the foregoing conditions (to the extent the GPL applies). Without prior agreement, the price of the product does not include additional support or consultancy.

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